How it works Booking Porto Ercole (
English version)
Italian version)
(how it works Booking Porto Ercole).Booking Porto Ercole was born from an idea between some owners of non-professional guest houses. Our first goal is not just to sell our product, but to provide friendly and full service assistance for anyone who want to sleep in Porto Ercole, and giving information about professional services and simple tourist attractions.
Booking Porto Ercole has a long list of professional subjects, companies, agencies and individual companies to deal with any kind of problem of those who want to have to holiday, live or stay for a long period or even for a single night, from holidaymakers who are owners, or simply tourists who have chosen our village.
Booking Porto Ercole can provide names of accommodations holders, rental companies, cars, bikes, in our area. Our Team have owners of apartments and holiday homes to meet all the needs of those who wish to spend a relaxing stay in Porto Ercole.
Our booking system is NOT a traditional booking, it is DIFFERENT, UNIQUE. It’s not a simple connection between a software and the potential customer.
There will be always a HUMAN contact, that’s why you will never have to contact only a software, but a person to talk, inquire and who will make you feel always like at home, a friend available that will help you in all possible ways.
Only the first contact takes place through a form on this web site (or alternative address) from which will follow a cordial and comprehensive assistance with the aim of meeting the most disparate needs of the customer.
If you are looking for a hotel you have to go Google and contact them directly.
WE only deal with rooms, apartments, holiday homes and connected services.
Whoever joins to, owners of houses and rooms, services dealers, get a contract with a booking service that will promote Porto Ercole online at a national and international level and join himself a group of people working together to foster high-level tourism for our village in all possible ways.
(how it works Booking Porto Ercole)
BPE does not promote single receptive structures, but its on line promotion system that is focused only on Porto Ercole, significantly increasing the visibility of the country, especially abroad, to deseasonalize the tourist flow in alternative periods of the summer.
All this always together, with love and agreement, also supporting the expenses necessary for the promotion and the commitment to organize excursions and trips
Directly (by completing the form) the owners will get benefit, but also indirectly the whole community of Porto Ercole.
Subscribers can actively contribute to promoting any kind of activities that are published on the site and facebook page, that can be promoted with paid systems and spreading it on the web in a complete and massive way..
(how it works Booking Porto Ercole)